We’ve just spent a magical 10 days on the Lizard Peninsula, Cornwall. The blue seas, hidden coves, white sandy beaches, rugged coast path, the wildlife and the food, all add up to make this, for me, one of the best places to relax and unwind.

After a fairly straight forward but long 5 hour journey, we arrive at our destination just above Kennack Sands, I can already feel the weight lifting from my shoulders. The breeze is playing with the long grass, the sea is crashing against the shore and the sun is shining. Swallows dip and soar coming so low to the ground they look like they might land. There is a feel of something in the air that calls to me.
The Lizard, a piece of land that crashed onto the end of Cornwall and attached itself there. The rocks that form this peninsula, are an array of colours and textures. There are hidden coves and lush, green glades, vast open vistas and secret caves, how can anyone fail to be inspired by this landscape and the stories it can tell.